Setting up your business in the Drecht Cities

Getting started

Our business managers, René Beute and Menno Bijnagte, will take you through the options for setting up your business in the Drecht Cities.

1. Think about your structure before diving in

Companies are presented with a number of choices when preparing to settle their business in the Netherlands. The most important decision is to select which Dutch entity the company will take on. Explore all possibilities before rushing to form a company.

2. Permits & registration

Make sure that all the permits and registrations are in order. All new business have to register in the Trade Register and the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration. For more complex businesses are various permits required by Dutch law and also for employees that move with your company to the Netherlands.

3. Talk to the banks

Don’t underestimate the time it will take to open a bankaccount. If all the paperwork is in order things will go smoothly, but make sure it will not delay you’re the process to settle your business. Dutch banks have to comply with anti-money laundering and banking supervision regulations for opening a new account. Check with your local bank to get in touch with a represented branch in the Netherlands early on.

4. Human Resources

Before employing personnel and drafting the conditions of employment you have to verify if there is a Collective Labour Agreement applicable in the field of operation of your company. You have to register your company as an employer at the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration. After registration you will receive the forms for payroll tax obligations.

5. Look ahead

Make sure you work with a good advisor and set up a detailed plan for all the activities to form your Dutch entity. This gives insight into timelines and getting things done in the right order. Leave no stone unturned.

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